Joalda Morancy
Feb 2, 202314 min read
The History of Animals in Space
In this current day and age, sending humans past the boundaries of our atmosphere has become fairly routine, as crazy as that might be....

Joalda Morancy
Jun 6, 202111 min read
Minimars: A Short Story
“Get up, Hale! The IMEA finally sent over the decision.” Charlie Hale groggily arose from his daily nap and saw Delilah Stallard standing...

Joalda Morancy
Aug 30, 20205 min read
Today I am going to talk to you all about once again another popular science fiction topic: teleportation. Reducing travel times is...

Joalda Morancy
Aug 16, 20206 min read
Time Travel
Every day we are constantly traveling through time. We’re constantly advancing into the future and everyone is having a different...

Joalda Morancy
Aug 9, 20204 min read
You know, everyone loves a good secret passageway or shortcut. But what about a shortcut in space? How does that even work? Well, its...

Joalda Morancy
Aug 2, 20206 min read
Space Farming
Agriculture is an essential part of our daily lives, whether we’re directly involved with it or not. It is what provides us food,...

Joalda Morancy
Jul 12, 20207 min read
Interstellar Travel
Traveling to other parts of the world is something many people enjoy. Learning and experiencing other cultures is an experience that you...

Joalda Morancy
Jul 5, 20207 min read
Space Elevators
Alright, so most of us have been on an elevator many times in our lives. It’s pretty useful, bringing people or supplies efficiently up...

Joalda Morancy
Jun 30, 20205 min read
Human Settlements on Venus
Exploring other worlds and inhabiting them is always a fun and interesting topic to talk about. There are so many possibilities when it...