about me
Hello! My name is Joalda Morancy (they/them/theirs), and I am currently an Aerospace Systems Engineer at Blue Origin. I recently graduated with my degree in Astrophysics from the University of Chicago, and am pursuing a graduate degree in Space Resources at the Colorado School of Mines.
I am heavily interested in planetary science, human spaceflight engineering, and aerospace policy. I'm working to combine some of my interests through learning more about the field of Space Resources and in-situ resource utilization, a topic that is at its genesis in the aerospace world. Understanding material extraction and how to build an economy out of it will be crucial to expanding our presence in the solar system and helping humans live among the planets. I also want to know how we can ethically go about these processes and what future regulations and government structures may look like on other celestial bodies.
Even though I have always loved science as a young kid, space is something I became interested as a sophomore in high school. It was this simple video of astronaut Chris Hadfield making a sandwich on the International Space Station that kickstarted everything, and I have been hooked ever since. I'm hoping that one day, my life can lead to me exploring neighboring worlds and new environments.
I also am passionate about doing science communication with the general public, especially with younger kids. Coming from a marginalized background has inspired me to help those with similar stories who are interested in STEM and find ways to help them excel in this field.
At the very least, the space industry has been traditionally homogenous when it comes to the people that make it up, and though that is slowly changing, I think it will take continued, effective effort to continue that progress.
Along with improving my scicomm skills, I'm doing my best to make it in the writing world! I want to create all sorts of science fiction short stories and novels, and I hope to show my own unique perspective of science space exploration through it. Keep on the lookout for some stories I hope to share in the future!
I'm at an exciting point in life where I get to help build a permanent presence on our moon, learn about building stuff in space, and write stories detailing far out worlds. I hope to continue this journey in the near term, and I am excited about where it'll take me!